Hidden Costs of a PCS Move

Pssst! You’ll want to save this!

1. Utility Deposits

If you're a new customer to a utility company and you're not transferring an account, the utility company may require you to put down a utility deposit or a letter of guarantee as a safeguard in the case of non-payment. Unfortunately, there's no real framework for the amount of a utility deposit. It will depend on the company and its requirements. It can range from less than a hundred dollars to several hundred depending on your credit history.

2. Restocking the Fridge & Pantry

This is ESPECIALLY so if you're PCSing overseas! Everything is getting tossed... It can be costly to restock the basics- spices, cooking oils, marinades, dressings, snacks, etc. A few months before leaving, try to start using up some of those essentials and try not to restock. When you get to your next duty station, slowly build back what you need.

3. Restocking Cleaning & Pet Supplies

Similar to your fridge and pantry items, cleaning and pet supplies can add up quickly! If you're able to pack them, awesome! But if you're PCSing overseas, you likely won't be able to bring them. Pro Tip: If you're PCSing overseas, try to find someone else who is leaving and trying to purge THEIR cleaning, kitchen, and pet supplies! You may get lucky!

4. Pet Transport

Speaking of pets, transporting them can be costly. Boarding, vet visits, extra shots, flying/shipping... Depending on where you're headed, factor that out of pocket cost in! It breaks my heart to see military families who can accommodate this cost when the time comes. When you're getting a pet, always think about this cost when you're actively moving around the world.

5. Application Fees

From jobs, to rentals, to daycares & schools... application fees can add up quickly! Try to plan ahead where you might be sending your kiddos to ask if they have application fees and the costs of those fees. Same goes for job applications and typical rental application fees. Call ahead and get an idea of what they may be so you can save up!

6. Housing

Yeah, I know... this is technically covered for us. But let's be real. When has the timing EVER aligned so perfectly that you're spending NOTHING out of pocket for some sort of temporary housing? Whether you're renting off post, on post, or buying a home, the timelines are almost ALWAYS longer than the small window of time they give us. (10 days?!)

In Conclusion…

It's best to have $2,000-$5,000 saved for expected and unexpected out of pocket costs when you're PCsing. This varies on your duty station, your family size/status, and what items you own (cars, rvs, boats, pets, etc.)


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